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Invitations Are LIMITED - ACT NOW.

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Invitations Are LIMITED - ACT NOW.

 Use This "Weird" Commission Plan That Can Make You $500/Day In 2024.

Read Every Word On This Page - You Don't Want To Miss This...

Use This "Weird" Commission Plan That Can Make You $500/Day  
Starting Now...

Read Every Word On This Page
You Don't Want To Miss This...

CEO: Profit Plan X

"Sometimes you meet these amazing entrepreneurs who are like superheroes but with tech instead of capes, you know? Derek Allen, he's the boss over at JBloX software in Miami. His squad of tech whizzes are like secret agents in the world of affiliate marketing. So, we peeked behind the curtain to see what they're up to and man, the stuff they've been cooking up during the COVID craziness these past couple of years is seriously mind-blowing!"

CEO: Profit Plan X


From: Derek Allen

RE: Full Time Income From Part Time Effort...


You're now eligible to use the exact same powerful cash generating websites that I personally used to make $3,392,762.66 in the past 2 years.

If you're seeing this page, that means you've been invited by one of my closest associates.

This website is private and only available through a unique link that someone sent you directly.

You owe someone a huge thank you for the invitation...

Why? Simple...

You just have to accept your invitation & you'll be granted instant access to my powerful system. 

Our Team Members Report HUGE Earnings...

Tyler Bigsford: Tester #21


Woah Jason... $800 bucks my first week? Wild Stuff Bro. Thank you... 
MaryJo Greene: Tester #09


Just over $900 in 30 days! I'm super excited. Thanks Jason!
Gordon Hartwick: Tester #17


30 Days...Twelve hundred bucks... you kidding me? This is insane...

You Could Have An Account Like This...

DO NOT Lose Your Spot.


Lose Your Spot.

Whatever you do, do not leave this page. 

Do not click away. Do not lose your spot.

You’re mere minutes away from accessing this system which can deliver the life you’ve been dreaming about, and it's so much easier than anything you've ever tried before.

Everything in life that you wish to achieve, it all starts for you now, right here.

You won't find anything else like this anywhere else online. Or otherwise.

This has been designed to work for anybody regardless of experience, age, gender or education.

You don't need any special experience or skills to get started.

When you accept your invitation, it will only take you about an hour to get set up with easy to follow simple step by step instructions.

Once you're set up, it only takes about 30 minutes per day to manage.

The beauty of my system is its simplicity.

All this system does is point people to something that they already desperately need - Automatically
for you to profit from - 24/7.

This is why this system has quickly generated over $1,521,977 in 2024 for my friends and customers.

If you’re looking to make up to $10,000 - in as little as 30 days from now, even if you've never made a cent online before in your life…

Keep reading the rest of this page and make the wise decision to join our team.

We guarantee the results.

From The Desk Of: Jason Perriman
RE: Your Automatic Cash Generating System

Welcome! I'm glad you're here. I look forward to working with you! 

As you probably already know there are thousands of people around the world just like you making big bucks online.

We aren't sure how much longer we're going to leave the doors open to get in on this brand new, automatic, commission generating system.

Even if you've tried in the past to make money online and failed at it, you're about to change your luck, FOREVER...

People Are Moving Online For Income.

People Are Discovering

The EASY Way To

Earn $3,237 /Mo.

Using This Automatic System... 

People Are Discovering

The EASY Way To

Earn $3,237 /Mo.

Using This Brand New Automatic System... 

Due to the current state of the economy, more people than ever are facing hard economic times.

In fact my company JBloX software was founded in 2008 because of corporate layoffs during the financial crisis. 

So I've been where you might be. I know how it feels. 

People are having a real hard time.

Things are bad, but believe me there's a huge silver lining to all of it.

We live in an age where everyone is online, and thousands of people a day are turning to the internet for a full time living

There's one barrier to entry, however... 
It's Hard To Know Who To Trust.
Usually when someone gets invited to a page like this, that means one of two things.

It means they’ve tried in the past to make a living online and haven’t quite made it yet…


They just know there’s something better out there for their life and have just not pulled the trigger yet for one reason or another.

You’ve been invited here, so I assume you've either failed completely, or you just have a few questions and are looking for some answers.

That's where my team comes in.

Things are hard enough in today's economic climate.

Who do you trust?

What avenues should you take to make money?

It can be really overwhelming, so I've decided to give people like you a fair shot at making a living online without all the B.S that usually comes with it.

If you're skeptical, I get it. I would be skeptical too…

My company has been around since 2008, I’ve seen it all...

Fake Gurus, Nasty phone rooms, cash gifting scams, MLM’s come and go, huge ticket webinars where they ask you for $2,500 just to deliver the “theory” and never uncover the HOW….

It’s insane, but it's also not your fault.

Making money online can be really difficult, and confusing.

That’s why I've packaged up my best performing assets and stuffed them into a done-for-you commission system that makes things A LOT EASIER...
I Had my team develop a system...
My company has been generating online income since 2008.

We've been written about in a ton of publications.

Needless to say, We talk the talk and we walk the walk.

I gave my software development team a real challenge.

I told them to package up our best assets and develop a system that gives ANYONE a REAL CHANCE of making online income.

I gave them 6 things that absolutely MUST be included before I made this available to the public...

The JBloX Team At Work

1. Anyone can use, but more importantly,

2. I wanted it all to be done with NO HARD WORK NEEDED.

3. It must NOT require any additional fees like software billing, HOSTING COSTS or DOMAIN FEES, unlike most "make money online" programs.

4. I wanted it to be so SIMPLE that my grandmother could set it up within 10 minutes.

5. I wanted it to set up our best peforming commission websites AUTOMATICALLY with point and click setup.

and last but not least.

6. I wanted it to be able to generate commissions, just by clicking a few buttons... 

I'm Proud To Say - We Did It! 


The #1 Easiest Way To Make Money Online. 

I'm proud to say that over the last 18 months, we've done it. 

My team cloned my 3 million dollar business and packaged it up so ANYONE can use it to make money. 

What they made was a real, commission generating system that will perform FLAWLESSLY for anyone lucky enough to be invited to use it. 
It took my tech team almost 18 months to hit all 6 benchmarks so people like you can get started earning an income online with just a few clicks.
But this is NOT YET AVAILABLE to the public.

Someone invited you to this page, so I have some great news for you.

My company needs just a few more entries to our system before we release it to the public.

If you're interested in becoming one of the few beta testers, read the rest of this website CAREFULLY!

Beta tester positions are easy, and can be started in under 15 minutes.

Once you're in:

It's as easy as
1. Click, 2. Build, 3. Copy, 4.Paste...

But you must first qualify...
Would You Like To Earn Money Like This? 

Our Testers Are Seeing HUGE Results...

Fuad Maloof: Tester #061


"The Commssions are coming in faster than I Imagined..." 
Kim Jessup-Tyler: Tester #023


"No doubt this is the real deal, my school loans are getting paid off"
Steven Fulton: Tester #010


"How can it be this easy to just print money out of thin air"
Testing Has Been INTENSE.
Like I said, I'm going to cut through all the bullshit most programs throw your way.

My team has been testing this software day and night for 18 months or so.

We've tried to break it. We've tried to fail. We've tested ALMOST EVERYTHING.

That's where the software testers like you come into play.

Since we started testing I've seen the astonishing results my team was having with it...

It's almost unfair how fast money was coming in...

Remember though, My team has loads of experience.

I need people that have NO experience, or people who've tried and failed before.

The reason is, I know you'll give it your all. You have a chip on your shoulder, and I'm sure people to prove wrong.

You're going to be the key before we make this available world wide.

I HAVE to "prove the concept" with peope who AREN'T in-the-know.
This is a LIMITED Opportunity.
All we need is about 100 people with no experience to follow our instructions, and prove that this system can be released to the masses. 
Once the beta testing phase is complete, We will then make our system available to the public! 

Since someone invited you to view this page, you should consider yourself to be very lucky. 

If you're still reading this page, that means there's at least 1 beta tester spot left... 

So long as you qualify, you can join our team! 
Here's Why Our Beta Tester Program Is Perfect For Anyone:
All Software Testers need to do is Copy and Paste!
  •  Ability to potentially make thousands Per Month.
  • ​ You can start earning faster than ever before.
  •  Work Part Time Type Hours.
  • ​ Work from home online.
  • ​ Earn with us permanently for as long as you wish.
  • ​ Step by step instructions built for a newbie to understand. 
  •  ​We provide 365 days a year of support and assistance.
  •  Get paid via direct deposit/ACH
  •  Ability to make $3000+ Per Month Effortlessly.
  • You can start earning in under 15 minutes from joining.
  •  Work Part Time - Spent a Few Minutes a Day Checking numbers. 
  • Work from home online - no need to leave your home or travel.
  • ​ You get guaranteed on-going work.
  • Earn with us permanently for as long as you wish.
  • ​ The work is simple and easy.
  • NO Experience Needed - We provide all instructions.
  •  ​We provide 24/7 support and assistance.
  •  Get paid via direct deposit/ACH
This Is What The Beta Tester Position Requires:
  • STEP 1: Register with us to see if you qualify.
  • STEP 2: Log in to your member area select the look at feel of your system.
  • STEP 3: Paste your user ID into the software.
  • ​STEP 4: Name Your "Cash Pages" and your sites will be setup instantly
  • ​STEP 5: Follow some simple instructions and watch your commissions grow. 
  • ​STEP 6: Report Commissions earned, and leave a testimonial.
Once This Fills Up We Can 
NO Longer Accept New Testers!
 Our Staff Can Only Handle a 100 People.
Once This Fills Up We Can NO Longer Accept New Testers!
Due to the effectiveness of this program, there will be a great demand.

There is limited space, so please hurry to guarantee your place. 

If you hesitate joining our beta tester team there's a chance you could miss out
You Could Be Earning Money In The Next 15 Minutes! 
How To Qualify
  • You MUST: Be a U.S. Or Canadian Citizen - NO EXCEPTIONS
  • You MUST: Click The Qualify Now Button - Fill In The Form On The Next Page - This Is Below. 
  • You MUST: Submit $17 One Time Activation Investment - This is to cover the costs of your lightning fast servers, and our customer service representatives. After the beta testing period we predict the price of this will increase to $1,997.

You'll Be Taken To Our Private Application

Beta Tester Position



Click The Button Below & Get Qualified: 

*$17 One Time Activation Investment Required

  Privacy Guaranteed - 
We Value Your Privacy & Never Sell Private Information

P.S. - If You Scrolled To The Bottom Just To See The Price,
Here Is a Quick Break Down Of What You Get:
  • Instant Access To Our Beta Tester Position
  • ​Instant Access To The Commission Site Builder
  • Ability To Start Earning Money Today
  • Get Paid For Your Work
  • ​No Experience Required
  • ​No Website or Hosting Required


You Have Our 100% Money Back Guarantee.

We know there's a lot of B.S. out there on the internet. 

That's why we are putting a 60 day money back guararantee on this entire program. 

Just so you can eliminate worry and doubt.

Give this a try risk free for 60 days, and if it's not performing the way we say it will...

I'll refund every last dime, no questions asked. 

You Could Log in Tomorrow and
Have an Account Like This:

There's 100 spots in this group. That's it. 

If you see the qualification form above then there is still at least one spot left. 

And that spot is yours. You just have to click that button, fill out the forms, and complete your registration to change your life today. 

And I guarantee you profit so there's no reason whatsoever to not get started right now. 

Everything you have ever wanted in life, it's all right here in front of you. 

You just need to click that button and grab it.  

If you decline your invitation I guarantee someone else will take your spot...

Don't end up working at your dead end job for the rest of your life.
Somone else will be enjoying the life of your dreams

Click Here To Qualify Now

Don't Wait. Do it now. 
CEO: Profit Plan X
P.S. - My tech team expects to get overloaded with beta tester registrants pretty quickly.

I am trying to get them to keep it open as long as possible. 

Explodely.com is the trusted gateway for www.viralcommissionclub.com. Explodely is a trademark of Explodely LLC, a US corporation located at 1317 Edgewater Drive Suite #4648, Orlando FL, 32804, United States and used by permission. Explodely’s role as gateway provider does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product(s) or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product(s). If you aren't completely satisfied with your purchase, or need order support, please contact Explodely here: http://expldely.com/